The list of Class of '75 faculty that have been found is amazingly small right now.   If you know how to get in touch with any of our former faculty, please pass that info along.   The committee would love to get in touch with them concerning including them in our reunion plans.


Mrs. Sylvia Beeson Send email
Mr. Walter McNamee
Mr. Jack Smyth
Ms. Bonita White Send email

If you know how to contact any of these people, please do so and let them know about our reunion plans.   The names below were taken from the 1975 Edition of the Gauntlet.   If there are any names missing, please let me know and I will add them.   My email address is


Mr. James Abbott
Ms. Eleanor Abrams
Mr. Robert Adams
Mrs. Mildred Ashley *
Mrs. Maxine Bane
Mr. Charles Baumgardner
Mrs. Pearl Beaton
Mr. Willaim Beaver
Mrs. Zane Beller *
Mr. Richard Bergman
Mr. Vincent Bergstrom *
Mrs. Caroline Biba *
Miss Barbara Bigelow
Mrs. Judy Blandford
Mrs. Bowen
Mr. Andrew Bowie
Mrs. Helen Brewer
Mr. Harold Brown
Mr. Paul Bruneau *
Ms. Carole Calhoun
Mr. John Canderan
Mrs. Stephanie Caudell
Mrs. Barbara Cirigliano
Mr. Glen Colbert
Mr. Anthony Coyle
Mrs. Mary Ann Cragar
Miss Mary Creasy *
Mr. Kenneth Croushore *
Mr. Irving Custis
Miss Jesse Davis
Mrs. Joyce Dean
Mr. Howard Dennis
Mr. George Donn
Mr. Stuart Douglas
Mrs. Lorraine Dow
Mrs. Ethel Engrum
Mr. John Enkiri
Mrs. Karie Fleet
Mr. John Flexer *
Mrs. Ford
Mr. James Fridie
Mrs. Dorothy Gannon *
Mrs. Julie Gay
Mrs. Jolena Gay
Mrs. Marjorie Golden
Mr. John Grauer *
Mrs. Mary Greco *
Mr. Richard Hanrahan
Mr. John Hawkinson
Mrs. Nell Hayes
Mr. Linwood Heath
Miss Henri Hill *
Mr. James Hoopes
Mrs. Mildred Horton *
Mr. John Hrezo *
Mrs. Edith Huston
Ms. Judith Ingram
Mr. Donald Irwin
Mr. James Jackson
Mr. John Jankowski *
Mrs. Dorothy Jenkins
Mr. Leon Johnson
Mr. Jon Kalbach
Mrs. Mary Kilbourne
Mrs. Betty King
Miss Patricia Kirk
Mrs. Barbara Kirkpatrick
Mr. Henry Knebel
Mr. Knode
Mr. Conrad Koch
Mr. Frank LaFontaine *
Mr. Larry Layman
Mrs. Marie Leak
Mr. Wilkes Lee
Mr. Robert Levendusky
Mrs. Nancy Litzinger
Mrs. Janice MacSorley
Mr. Robert Magruder *
Mrs. Doris Martin
Mrs. Gloria Martin
Mr. Dennis Martin
Mr. William McDonald
Mrs. Virginia McGrath *
Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin
Mrs. Maxine McLean
Miss Philippa McNeil
Mrs Joan Mehew
Mrs. Joan Mehuin
Mr. John Merricks *
Mr. Ernest Messina
Mr. Robert Meyers
Mr. Robert Mika *
Mr. Carl Mills
Mr. Michael Molinaro
Mr. Norman Morrison
Mr. George Mullins
Mrs. Mary Ann Murphy
Mr. David Myers
Mr. Conrad Myles
Mrs. Nairn
Mrs. Jo Ann Nordan
Mrs. Judith Nottingham
Mrs. Mary Oursler *
Miss Joyce Platt
Mr. John Powell
Mr. Oliver Prather
Ms. Rosemary Purcell
Mr. George Pyle *
Miss Rosalie Reyes
Miss Janice Ricalzone
Mrs. Laura Roys
Mr. Frank Santora *
Mr. Charles Savoy
Miss Linda Schemmel
Mr. John Scoleri
Mrs. Dorothy Shackelford
Mrs. Katherine Shortt
Mr. Dale Sisson
Mr. Charles Slosky
Mr. William Smith *
Mrs. Carolyn Steelman
Mrs. Sandra Stephens
Mrs. Louise Stewart
Mrs. Debbra Swah
Mr. Larry Swindell
Mrs. Linda Tanenboum
Mr. Lindsay Thomas
Mrs. Anita Thompkins
Mr. William Thompson
Mr. Harold Thompson
Miss Stella Tsourounis
Mr. Robert Turner
Mrs. Delores Turner
Mr. Gerald Vance
Dr. Edward Vest
Mr. John Wagner *
Mrs. Linda Wanner
Mr. Carroll Warner *
Mrs. Alta Weaver *
Mr. Vincent Wheatley
Mr. Donald Whitney
Mr. John Whittington
Mrs. Helene Wiseman
Mrs. Dora Wolfe
Mrs. Jane Wolfgang
Mr. Barney Woodruff
Mr. Thomas Wysocki

    *   Deceased and sorely missed.